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Short info
In general apk file Earthify 3D [Earth LW] has rating is 9.4 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 41. Total number of five star reviews received 35. This app has been rated like bad by 1 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 1,000+ in google play store Earthify 3D [Earth LW] located in category Entertainment, with tags shark and has been developed by AeroShark333. You can visit their website or send abiram1996@gmail.com to them. Earthify 3D [Earth LW] can be installed on android devices with 3.0(Honeycomb)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of Earthify 3D [Earth LW] and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of Earthify 3D [Earth LW] apk available on our site: 4.0.1. Last version of Earthify 3D [Earth LW] is 4.0.1 was uploaded 2017/03/07
Screenshots of Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
  • Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
Description of Earthify 3D [Earth LW] (from google play)

Earthify 3D

Settings explained
Object visibility:
- Citylights: Whether or not to show city lights at night time.
- Clouds: Whether or not to show clouds.
- Atmosphere: Whether or not to show an atmosphere layer.
- Sun: Whether or not to show the Sun.
- Moon: Whether or not to show the Moon.

- Camera autorotation speed: How fast should the camera rotate around the Earth? Or should it not rotate at all?
- Camera autorotation direction: Clockwise or anti-clockwise camera rotation?
- Physics: How fast should the time pass by?

User input:
- Touch rotation: Whether or not to allow single-touch interaction.
- Touch sensitivity: How fast should the camera rotate around the Earth when interacting using touch?
- Pinch-to-zoom: Whether or not to allow dual-touch pinch-to-zoom.
- Pinch-to-zoom sensitivity: How fast should the camera zoom in or zoom out?
- Rotation sensor: Whether or not to allow sensor influencing rotation.
- Rotation sensor sensitivity: How fast should the camera rotate around the Earth when using a sensor?
- Free vertical rotation: Is the camera allowed to freely rotate in the vertical direction using interaction?
- Free horizontal rotation: Is the camera allowed to freely rotate in the horizontal direction using interaction?

- Earth texture quality: What should the quality of the Earth texture be?
- Citylights texture quality: What should the quality of the citylights texture be?
- Clouds texture quality: What should the quality of the clouds texture be?
- Background texture quality: What should the quality of the background texture be?
- Sun texture quality: What should the quality of the Sun texture be?
- Moon texture quality: What should the quality of the Moon texture be?
- Model geometry quality: What should the quality of the models be?
- Combine texture layers: Should the Earth, citylights and clouds textures be combined?
- 3D background: Should the background be 2D or 3D?
- Lighting: Should the Sun emit light?
- Lens flare: Should the Sun have a lens flare effect?
- Shader: Should the models have a shader applied?

Advanced settings:
- Atmosphere color: RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color for the atmosphere layer. Allowed values: 0~255
- Swap: Should the textures be swapped if possible? This will reduce memory usage.
- Mipmap: Should the textures be mipmapped?
- Color depth: 16-bit or 32-bit textures? 16-bit will reduce memory usage.
- Texture filtering: Should the textures be filtered? (Low quality textures will look pixelated when disabled)
- Texture compression: Should the textures be compressed?
- Texture compression (ETC1): Should the textures be compressed using ETC1? (not all devices support this)

Used permissions
Internet & network: Advertisements
Writing & reading storage: Swap
Location: Targeted advertisements (and reserved for possible new features in the future)
Billing: In App Purchases
Audio: Lens flare audio visualizer

jPCT 3D Engine Library

Milkyway photograph
ESO / S. Brunier


Additional credits

The quality of the textures highly depends on the available RAM/memory on your device.
More RAM/memory = Higher quality textures.
This application supports Android 2.1 devices and higher version of Android.
Keep in mind that older versions of Android might lack some features.

Please do report bugs and errors to: abiram1996@gmail.com

Known bugs/errors:
Realtime rotation position of moon is not correct, only it's positions are.
Out of memory crashes when device cannot handle higher quality textures

Version history Earthify 3D [Earth LW]
New in Earthify3D 4.0.1
~~~New Year's Update~~~Happy New Year everyone!What's new?:- Completely recoded the base of the application.- Completely redesigned the looks of the live wallpaper.- Completely rewritten the shaders.- The Live wallpaper should be much more stable now. (Fixed a lot of crashes)- The Live wallpaper should consume much less battery/CPU.- The Live wallpaper is more RAM-friendly.- Added privacy policyNote: Loading can still take very long but it's only when launching the live wallpaper!
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Apk Earthify3D latest version 4.0.1


free 43.82 MB
for ARM8 ARM7 ARM6 x86_64 x86 mips mips64 devices
Android 3.0+
Other Earthify3D APK versions for android 14
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